Collision domain: & Broadcast domain

A collision domain:

A collision domain is a part of a network where  collisions can occur. A collision occurs when two devices send a packet at the same time on the shared network segment (media). The packets collide and  there is a traffic jam occurred both devices must send the packets again, which reduces network efficiency. Collisions are often in a hub environment, because each port on a hub is in the same collision domain. By contrast, each port on a bridge, a switch or a router is in a separate collision domain.
"Basically a collision domain is a path where data is moved on"

*Hub has only 1 collision domain.
*Switch has  per port per collision domain.
*Router has per port per collision domain.

Broadcast domain:

broadcast domain is a logical division of a computer network, in which all devices can reach each other by broadcasting  at the data link layer. A broadcast domain can be within the same LAN segment or it can be bridged to other LAN segments.

*Hub has single broadcast domain.
*Switch has single broadcast domain until unless we use Vlan.
*Router has per port per broadcast domain

For more details you can watch my video

Make Net Easy Team

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