Unicast , Broadcast and multicast communication.

1- Unicast Communication.
2-Broadcast Communication
3-Multicast Communication

1- Unicast Communication - One to One communication

When any one sender sending the information to only one receiver in a network  that is called unicast communication.

e.g.- Web surfing , file downloading.

2-Broadcast Communication- One to all Communication

When one sender sending the information to all devices which are in a same broadcast domain or same network.

e.g.- Arp

3-Multicast Communication- One to many

When one sender sending information to a group of devices in a network that is called multicast communication.

Example : Multicast Windows Deployment Services (WDS) OS deployment traffic, IP TV.

For further details you can find the video below.

Make Net Easy


  1. Any one Share me the Lab Experiment

  2. Hi Regunathan which lab experiment you want?


If you have any doubt please let me know.