Router Memory Components ( ROM, FLASH, RAM , NVRAM) with video.

Hi friends I hope you are doing well .In this post we will learn about various type of memory used in a Router.
Let get Started-

There are 4 type of memory used  in a Router.

(i) - Rom (Read Only Memory):- Stores Post(Power on self test) program, bootstrap program, mini ios(for loading the ios from tftp server using IP) , Roman mode. 

Post(Power on self test):-When router power on the post program executed and checks all the hardware(Ram, interfaces, card slots ,moduls ) of the router.
Bootstrap program:-Search for IOS on Flash/TFTP and stores on the RAM.
Mini IOS:-Used to load ios from TFTP Server.
Romman mode: Password recovery.

(ii)-Flash Memory : Store IOS(Inter network operating system) 

(iii)-RAM(Random Access Memory):- Stores Running configuration of the  router.

(iv)- Nvram(Non-Volatile random access memory):-Stores Startup configuration of the router.

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