Top 10 Network Troubleshooting Tools

Hi Networkers,

Today I have something special for you if you are from IT background or working as a Network Engineer / System Engineer then this blog is going to very helpful.
In this blog I came up with 10 very helpful Network tools which will help you to troubleshoot Network issues.


Nmap is very use full tool to discover open ports, operating system version and many more.

Download : Click here

2- Wireshark:

Wireshark is very helpful tool for Network engineer/Network Security Engineer and the hackers to capturing/analyzing  the  the packet.


This is a website which is used to test your network bandwidh.

Website  Speedtest

Website PingTest

4-Subnet and IP Calculator

This website is very helpful for subnetting design and IP addressing schema design.


5-PuTTY/Tera Term

Used to access Network devices and the Unix and Linux servers.

Putty Download Page 


This is very important command to check the active ports or connection in the server or client.


This command is used to check DNS lookup.If you have the IP address of any server or client and you want to know the host name then you can use this command.


IPconfig is a windows command to check the IP , SUBNET MASK , GATWAY,DNS etc details.
ifconfig is Linux based command  to check IP , SUBNET MASK , GATWAY,DNS etc details.


To trace the connectivity and to  check how to is the destination devices.


The most commonly used network tool is the ping utility.

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